In week 6 we compared human-centered design and user interface design, human-centered design focuses on the problem people face and creates the easiest way for them to be fixed. Important areas to cover in it are inclusive and accessibility. User interface Design is more about what users might need to do and making sure they can easily and a large part of it is consistency.

The main differences between the two is that human covers a larger section of design comprised of UI, as it follows the general rules of basic usability whereas UX focuses on usability overall. Human is built to grow with people and the product change whereas UX is meant to already built to make it as straight forward as possible.

We were given Jon Yablonskis laws of UX that we added to a iPhone 14 frame with material design grid and components, then added colour. We then added are own components and how they can be used.

Frame 25.png

Frame 6.png