This module helped reinforce all the lessons that we were taught in the first semester. It made it clear how we take these lessons and turn them into practical the design is always about the content which is from the user, users are the most important element when creating a design. You have to have a problem that is affecting the user to create something that makes an impact and is worthwhile.
Out of the projects this semester I really enjoyed the smartwatch app as I felt I really solved a problem with it on how to direct the target audience to create something really effective. The SDG project was one that I felt I created a really strong piece of work, and all areas had been considered to create a really rounded design. The project I liked the least was the AV dashboard, I felt no great connection to it so struggled to create a piece of work that I was happy with. I think I struggled with finding a problem to solve which made the project feel lacking and underdeveloped.
I understand where and why I struggled with the design of the AV, as one of the greatest takeaways I had from this semester was about creating designs that are necessary and achieve something which is something I lacked in the AV project. Overall this semester was a good one it really helped me understand design choices and I'm really happy with my projects in the end.