When starting to think about a CV everyone I've ever come across has either been a list of points or a very busy and overdone CV. That's why it was important to me to see what UX designers were creating for their CVS, as I want to find a placement and be as industry-ready as possible.
Jessie Van a Product Designer at Google
Josh Mateo a Product Designer at Square
Min Zhou a Product Designer at Instagram
Here are three examples of CVS that I came across, I really like them all as they have lots of information but are laid out in a really simple and easy way to understand. Each has their name in the top left corner and contact information typically on the right creating a really easy-to-understand CV, the way the content has been laid out in columns is really effective you can see the example between Jesse and Josh's use of lines and no lines either way you can understand the content easily because of the format.
When it came to writing my CV I first went back to the old CVS that I had and I took that content updated it and rewrote areas to create a CV that represented me and my skills clearly, I was really happy that I had an old CV to work off as it can be hard to see yourself in that way.
I used CV 360 to check the grammar and make sure that I wasn't missing anything. I changed elements and re-uploaded it three times to see if I could improve any areas. The areas that I failed on were not actually issues but areas that the software picked up as problems. I also got other people to read through my CV and correct any issues that they came across like grammar or spelling.
I had experimented with my name and the potental logos before settling on this logo that is in the typeface Josefin Sans, I really like it as it is simple but has a very strong impact on the unique features which creates a really nice logo. I also created this board a mockup portfolio to see how the branding would look and experimented with colours as well. The font I picked for the body copy is Murecho, a simple and clear font.
I did some quick sketches of different designs using the branding that I created.
This was my draft CV that had been sorted into three columns similar to the ones that I looked at as I thought it was a really clear way of breaking down the information, two elements break the three columns with being paragraphs I like the way that looks and reads as a result.